Comité de Solidarité avec les Indiens des Amériques

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Signez la pétion en ligne pour la libération de Leonard Peltier sur

publiée le 23/06/2012 par CSIA-Nitassinan

Le Groupe de soutien à Leonard Peltier en France vous invite à signer la pétition pour la libération du prisonnier politique amérindien Leonard Peltier en ligne sur le site d’ [ est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale d’activisme en ligne, fondée en 2007. Se présentant comme une « communauté démocratique supranationale », Avaaz encourage les citoyens du monde entier à se mobiliser sur diverses questions internationales, portant notamment sur le respect des Droits de l’homme. Active dans 14 langues, la communauté Avaaz revendique, en avril 2012, plus de 14 millions de membres répartis dans 194 pays.]

Pétition (en anglais)

Leonard Peltier - One Man´s Freedom Means Freedom for us All

Leonard Peltier is an Amnesty International registered prisoner of consciousness and Lakota / Anishinabe Native American held by the US government in custody for 37 years on falsified evidence. Leonard has consistently spoken out in defense of his people´s liberty and their denial of basic human rights.

Leonard did the one thing that any of us might have done in the circumstances. He defended his family and led his people to safety at a time when the FBI were making war “Reign of Terror” in the mid-70´s on the native American population. Over 400 people were killed or assaulted and many imprisoned. Leonard was accused of shooting two FBI agents2. Ballistics evidence proves beyond doubt that Leonard is an innocent victim. Two other men were declared innocent in court but Leonard was not then present - the FBI needed a scapegoat as the case remains unsolved.

We want Freedom loving people, tribal elders and native peoples worldwide to send a message now to President Obama – It is time to Grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier, to give freedom to this man that he may spend his remaining days with his family and loved ones.

“President Obama – Please give clemency to Leonard Peltier and demonstrate America is listening to its heart.”

Please sign our campaign Petition !

Senior Judge Gerald Heaney of the 8th Circuit Court panel that denied Peltier’s 1986 appeal, and over 550 VIPs including Mikhail Gorbachov, Rev. Archbishop Desmond Tutu and numerous political members have stated the man is innocent. The Belgian and European Parliaments have both adopted resolutions calling for Leonard Peltier´s executive clemency.

Leonard’s issue is our issue because he is an example to all of us of a man who took action to defend his people against actions that have eroded freedom and liberty worldwide.

Leonard Peltier is over 60 years old and his health is deteriorating. He is a man of peace with grandchildren he has never met. His continued imprisonment after over 30 years appears to be nothing less than revenge for a crime Leonard Peltier did not commit. He has dedicated his life to freedom for his people. President Obama is the only man who can give clemency to him.

Signez la pétition sur :